About Our Church

We started McElhenney Community Church with one purpose in mind, to follow the Word of God as closely as humanly possible. It was our goal from the first day we met to be like the Berean Church mentioned in Acts 17:11, we are told there that the people in Berea were much nicer than those in Thessalonica, and they gladly accepted the message. (of salvation through Jesus Christ) Day after day they studied the Scriptures to see if these things were true. Our Goal is to study to show ourselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the word of truth, living each day in love and walking in a way that is worthy of the calling we have received. We understand that not all of us are at the same place and that is a good thing. God loves us all and wants us to love others as Jesus loves us. It is our priority to grow in Koinonia “fellowship” with each other through worship, bible study and prayer and we believe this describes the beautiful relationship of faith which connects all true Christians to God and to all other true believers. We are a community-based family that welcomes all people just as God also does. We unapologetically teach the Bible and the Truth that without God’s forgiveness through what Jesus Christ did for us no man, woman or child could ever be good enough to go to heaven, but with Jesus – all can.

Our Mission & Vision

Our Vision and Mission is to help connect people to faith

Our Goal is to study to show ourselves approved unto God, rightly dividing the word of truth, living each day in love and walking in a way that is worthy of the calling we have received. We understand not all of us are the same and that is a good thing, God loves us all and wants us to love others as Jesus loves us.


Mission & Purpose

It is our priority to grow in Koinonia “fellowship” with each other through worship, bible study and prayer and we believe this describes the beautiful relationship of faith which connects all true Christians to God and to all other true believers.

We are a community-based family that welcomes all people just as God also does. We unapologetically teach the Bible and the Truth that without God’s forgiveness through what Jesus Christ did for us no man, woman or child could ever be good enough to go to heaven, but with Jesus – all can.

Who We Are

Our Team & Leadership

We are a small church of loving and growing believers. Pastor Bob is our lead pastor with several visiting speakers and our elders who teach on occasion. We don’t have a big staff, but the people who serve are some of the best people you’ll find anywhere.

Our Pastor

Our Pastor

Lead Pastor

Pastor Bob has always had a heart for people and was formerly Pastor of church in Virginia Beach, Virginia before moving back to West Virginia with his wife Linda. Pastor Bob has three grown adult children as well. Wayne, Kim and Daniel.

Steve, Pastor, Chris

Steve, Pastor, Chris

Elders with Pastor Bob

Steve & Randy

Steve & Randy

Sound and AV Tech Team



Services Coordinator

Tina, Yolanda, Terri, Johnetta

Tina, Yolanda, Terri, Johnetta




Hospitality Coordinator

Cindy & Molly

Cindy & Molly

Childrens Church



Childrens Church

“As the pastor of McElhenney Community Church, my only goal is to see all of us grow closer to God and to each other as members of His family. It is with Great Joy I have been blessed with this task.”

– Pastor Bob Berchtold


Frequently Asked Questions

Why do Christians say you have to be saved? Saved from What?

What they mean is: The Bible teaches,  You are a sinner (someone that is breaking Gods law), and until you accept that as true you are lost and on your way to Hell. But God has made a way for all people to be forgiven for breaking His law, and that way is to admit you are a sinner and to receive (believe in your heart that it’s true) what Jesus did when He took your place and died on the cross as the payment for your sin once and for all. In the book of Romans chapter 10 found in the Bible it says this: 9 If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth, one confesses and is saved. 1 1For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. 13 For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Call out to God (pray) and admit you have sinned and broken His law,  tell him you accept that Jesus died to pay for your sins and rose again three days later as the bible says, and ask him to come into your life and forgive you and change you however he wants, Now thank Him and be sure and tell someone about your decision to follow Jesus from now on. tell them today.

Why Does God Want Us To Pray?

Prayer is the way God has made for us to communicate with Him. Phil 3:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” When we ask for God’s help he is there for us, and when our prayers are answered our faith increases. When our faith increases it becomes easier to pray knowing God hears us and answers our prayers. So it’s like this, Prayer + Answer = More Faith. More Faith = More Prayer, and around and around it goes until you are fully Grown Up in the Lord.

Do I have to go to church to be saved?

No. But after you are saved you will want to grow closer to God and His family, it’s just a natural response to what has happened in your life, and it’s where you will learn more about him and be loved and appreciated for who you are. The Bible tells us once we are saved (born again by His Spirit) that all things in our lives become new and that includes a desire to be with others that have also been made new, and a good Bible believing, teaching church is where you will find them.